오이돈 IeDon Oh Á¶È¸: 8,977   ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ: 15-09-07  

서울 음대 졸업 후, 미국 조지아대학(석사)과 아이오와대학(Ph.D)에서 공부하였다. 세계여성작곡가협회 국제콩쿨, Abendmusik;Lincoln 국제콩쿨, 동아콩쿨, 창악회콩쿨, 한국창작합창제 등에 입상하였으며, 미국, 런던, 상트 페테르부르그를 비롯하여 ISCM-ACL세계음악제(홍콩), 히로시마 현대음악제, 국제여성음악제(북경), ISCM 세계음악제(시드니), Asian Music Festival(동경) 2013 아시아작곡가연맹음악제(싱가포르) 등지에서 작품이 발표되었다. '음악가들의 창작공간' 초청 개인발표회(2010)를 가졌고, <첼로와 피아노를 위한 변주곡>2010 관객이 뽑은 친근한 한국의 현대음악으로 선정되었다. 대전KBS FM<음악이 있는 곳에>의 클래식코너(2008-2013)에 출연하였고, 2012년부터 문화예술전문지<클래시컬>에 음악관련 글을 써오고 있으며, 대학교재 <서양음악사1, 2>(2014, 음악세계)를 공동집필하였다. 작곡동인 '주창회' 회장을 역임하였고, 현재 한국작곡가협회 이사로 활동하고 있으며, 호서대학교 교수로 재직 중이다.


IeDon Oh graduated from the College of Music, Seoul National University. She also received her master's degree in music composition from the University of Georgia and her Ph.D in music composition from the University of Iowa, U.S.A. She won composition awards from several competitions such as the 4th International Composition Competition conducted by the International Women Composers' League, the International Composition Competition conducted by Abendmusik;Lincoln,Inc., Dong-A Music Competition, the Composition Contest conducted by the Contemporary Music Society in Seoul, and Korea Creative Choral Festival 2003. Her works, including commissioned pieces, have been performed at many contemporary music festivals in the United States, England, Japan, China, Taipei, Russia, as well as in Korea. Her music was also invited to the ISCM-ACL World Music Days 2007 in Hong Kong and the 2008 Beijing International Congress on Women in Music by IAWM, the 2010 ISCM World New Music Days (Sydney), the Asian Music Festival 2010 in Tokyo and the ACL Festival (Singapore) in 2013. She acted as the chairperson of the women composers' group 'JuChangHoe' and as a commentator of music for the KBS FM in Daejeon. Since 2012, she has been writing columns and essays on music for the monthly culture and art magazine ‘Classical

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